TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 8/17/2022       TIME: 3:30 PM
LOCATION: 155 E. Fourth Street, Perris, CA 92570
Public Notice
1.1 PUBLIC NOTICE: The writings, documents, or public records described in SB No. 343 are available at the District Office, currently located at 155 East Fourth Street, Perris, CA 92570 Info
1.2 PUBLIC NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the District's governing board, please contact the office of the District Superintendent at (951) 943-6369, ext. 80102. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. Info
Call to Order
2.1 CALL TO ORDER: The President of the Board of Trustees Will Call the Perris Union High School District Board Meeting to Order Info
Invitation to Address the Board of Trustees on Closed Session Items Only
Adjourn to Closed Session Action
4.1 ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: The Board of Trustees Will Discuss Items Listed in This Section: Action
4.2 PUPIL MATTERS - Pursuant to Education Code §48912 and §48918 Action
4.3 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - Pursuant to Government Code §54957: Superintendent Action
4.4 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT - Pursuant to Government Code §54957 Action
4.5 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE - Pursuant to Government Code §54957 Action
4.6 CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 - Employee Group: Perris Secondary Educators Association (PSEA), Agency Representative: Kirk Skorpanich, Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources; Employee Group: California School Employees Association (CSEA), Agency Representative: Kirk Skorpanich, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources Action
Reconvene in Public Session/Pledge of Allegiance
5.1 RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Board Meeting Will Reconvene at Approximately 5:00 p.m. Info
6.1 INVOCATION: Trustee Vallejo Info
Recess Into California Military Institute Meeting
7.1 RECESS: The Board President Will Recess the Meeting to Conduct the Regular Board Meeting of the California Military Institute Charter School Info
Revision/Adoption/Ordering of Agenda
Oral Reports
9.1 Report Out of Closed Session Info
9.2 District Update by the Superintendent Info
9.3 CSEA President Josh Rushing Info
9.4 PSEA President Jason Miller Info
9.5 Comments by the Board of Trustees Info
Invitation to Address the Board of Trustees
Consent Calendar Action
11.1 CONSENT CALENDAR: Approval of Consent Calendar Items Action
11.2 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Minutes of the Special Board Meeting for June 6, 2022 Action
11.3 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting for June 15, 2022 Action
11.4 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Appointments of Membership to the Riverside County Special Education Local Plan Area / Community Advisory Council for Amil Alzubaidi, Director of Special Education, Erika Heiliger-Garcia, Coordinator of Special Education, Esmeralda Rodriguez-Chalfant, Coordinator of Special Education, and Jennafer LaPaglia Griswold, Parent of a Former Perris Union High School District Student and District Employee Action
11.5 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Certification of Signatures Action
11.6 PERSONNEL: Ratification of Modification No. 7 to Agreement C1006081 With the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for Participation in the California Classified to Classroom Pipeline to Teaching Grant Program (revenue) Action
11.7 PERSONNEL: Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding With Azusa Pacific University for Educational Fieldwork (revenue) Action
11.8 PERSONNEL: Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding With Cal Poly Humboldt for Student Teaching Experience (no fiscal impact) Action
11.9 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement With Behavioral Autism Therapies, LLC for Behavior Intervention Services as Required (funded through Special Education in an estimated amount of $64,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.10 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement With PowerSchool for a Data Analytics Platform for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds in the amount of $25,080, not the General Fund) Action
11.11 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement IN80218 With the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for Professional Development to Improve the Measurement of Student Learning (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds in the amount of $64,300, not the General Fund) Action
11.12 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement With Think Together for Expanded Learning Program Services at Pinacate Middle School (funded through Title 1 Funds in the amount of $133,286, not the General Fund) Action
11.13 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement for Professional Services With Brandee Johnson for Home Hospital Academic Services (funded through Special Education at a cost not to exceed $18,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.14 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Master Agreement IN80175 for Intensive Behavior Intervention Services With the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools (funded through Special Education in an estimated amount of $20,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.15 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Multi-Year Interdistrict Attendance Master Agreement With the Riverside County Office of Education for Student Interdistrict Attendance (no fiscal impact) Action
11.16 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Renewal Agreement With Blackboard Connect, Incorporated for Blackboard Connect K-12 Services (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds and the Charter Fund in the amount of $17,763.79, not the General Fund) Action
11.17 CURRICULUM: Agreement CB-00032397 With the College Board for the College Readiness and Success Program (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds in the amount of $81,926, not the General Fund) Action
11.18 CURRICULUM: Memorandum of Understanding With Everfi, Incorporated for Financial Literacy Resources for Students, Families, and Staff (no fiscal impact) Action
11.19 CURRICULUM: Revised World Language Courses: French I, French II, French III, and AP French IV (meets A-G requirements) Action
11.20 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Amendment No. 3 to the Account-Ability Software Services Agreement With Colbi Technologies, Incorporated (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $55,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.21 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Change Order No. 02-007 Bid Category 02 - Pierre Landscape, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $3,724, not the General Fund) Action
11.22 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Change Order No. 15-007 for Bid Category 15 - Rivco Coatings for the Liberty High School Project (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $34,831.91, not the General Fund) Action
11.23 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Change Orders No. 23-023 and 23-024 for Bid Category 23 - Pro Craft, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $7,696.78, not the General Fund) Action
11.24 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Change Order No. 28-014 for Bid Category 28 - Roadway Engineering & Contracting, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $2,471, not the General Fund) Action
11.25 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Agreement With Kira Construction for the Heritage High School Greenhouse Repair Project (funded through the Routine Restricted Maintenance Fund in the amount of $59,487.24, not the General Fund) Action
11.26 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Notices of Completion for the Liberty High School Project and Aquatics Center Project (no fiscal impact) Action
11.27 BUSINESS: Ratification of Agreement With Konica Minolta for a Backfile Scanning Solution (funded through Various COVID Funds at an estimated amount of $20,406, not the General Fund) Action
11.28 BUSINESS: First Amendment to License Agreement With K2 Towers III, LLC for a Shared Antenna Site (funded through Safety Credits in the monthly amount of $583.68, not the General Fund) Action
11.29 BUSINESS: Resolution No. 01:22-23 - Resolution Authorizing the Piggybacking of Bid Award #21/22-001 Just N Time Classroom and Office Supplies District Wide for the Purchase of Classroom and Office Supplies (no fiscal impact) Action
11.30 BUSINESS: Resolution No. 02:22-23 - Resolution Authorizing Piggybacking for Frozen, Refrigerated, and Dry Food Distribution (funded through Nutrition Services in an estimated amount of $1,300,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.31 BUSINESS: Resolution No. 03:22-23 - Resolution Authorizing Piggybacking for the Purchase of Fresh and Processed Produce (funded through Nutrition Services in an estimated amount of $60,000, not the General Fund) Action
11.32 BUSINESS: Resolution No. 04:22-23 - Resolution Authorizing Piggybacking for Purchase of Maintenance and Industrial Supplies (no fiscal impact) Action
11.33 BUSINESS: Declaration of Surplus Property (no fiscal impact) Action
11.34 BUSINESS: Donations Action
11.35 BUSINESS: Report of Purchases - June 2022 Action
11.36 BUSINESS: Report of Purchases - July 2022 Action
11.37 TECHNOLOGY: Ratification of Agreement IN80207 With the Riverside County Office of Education for Network and Internet Access and Systems Support Services (funded through the General and Charter Fund in the amount of $91,216.00) Action
Written Reports
12.1 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary For April - June 2022 Info
12.2 DISCIPLINE: June 2022 Monthly Suspension Report Info
Action Items
13.1 GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Resolution No. 06:22-23 - Trustee Compensation for Missed Meeting (Araux) Action
13.2 PERSONNEL: Certificated Personnel Action Items Action
13.3 PERSONNEL: Classified Personnel Action Items Action
13.4 PERSONNEL: Ratification of Professional Services Agreement With Eric Hall and Associates to Conduct a Compensation Study (funded through Various COVID Funds at a cost not to exceed $93,300, not the General Fund) Action
13.5 CURRICULUM: Ratification of Agreement With ConnectEd for Planning and Design of the Link Learning Approach for Liberty High School and Perris High School (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds in the amount of $92,800, not the General Fund) Action
13.6 CURRICULUM: Agreement With Paper Education Company, Incorporated for Online Tutoring and Essay Review Services (funded through Local Control Accountability Plan Supplemental and Concentration Funds in the amount of $365,750, not the General Fund) Action
13.7 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Agreement With DLR Group for Architectural Services Related to the Design of a New Restroom Building at Liberty High School (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $106,500, not the General Fund) Action
13.8 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Facilities Lease and Site Lease With Miller Construction for Work at Paloma Valley High School and Approval of Related Phase I Guaranteed Maximum Price (funded through Various Facilities Funds at a cost not to exceed $380,352.80, not the General Fund) Action
13.9 BUSINESS: Resolution No. 05:22-23 - Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Perris Union High School District Approving the Form of a Joint Community Facilities Agreement By and Among the Romoland School District, Perris Union High School District, and Lennar Homes of California, LLC, Authorizing the Execution and Delivery Thereof, and Certain Other Actions Related Thereto Action
13.10 BUSINESS: Adoption of the District’s 2022-23 Revised Budget Action
13.11 BUSINESS: Authorization for Purchase of Capital Equipment Above $10,000 - August 2022 Action
13.12 BUSINESS: Authorization for Purchase of Capital Equipment Above $50,000 - August 2022 Action
13.13 TECHNOLOGY: Ratification of Agreement With Thompson Engineering to Install Bells and Paging at Heritage High School (funded through Various COVID Funds and the General Fund in the amount of $88,690.44) Action
Information Items
14.1 CURRICULUM: Revised Advanced Placement Course: Advanced Placement European History (meets A-G requirements) Info
14.2 CURRICULUM: New Advanced Placement Course: Advanced Seminar (meets A-G requirements) Info
14.3 CURRICULUM: New World Language Courses: Chinese I (Mandarin), Chinese II, and Chinese III (meets A-G requirements) Info
14.4 BUSINESS: Revolving Cash Report - June 2022 Info
14.5 BUSINESS: Revolving Cash Report - July 2022 Info
Closed Session (if necessary)
Reconvene in Public Session (if necessary)
Action Items (Continued)
17.1 DISCIPLINE: Reinstatement of Student Discipline Matters Action
Other Items by the Superintendent
Other Items by the Board of Trustees
20.1 ADJOURNMENT: Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for August 17, 2022 Action